Welcome to Our World!

A Sacramento Tradition

First launched in 2000, the Professional Beauty Federation of California’s “Welcome to Our World” (WOW) showcase has become a two-decade tradition among Sacramento State Board members, legislators, executive agency officials, and staffers.  Through the PBFC’s day-to-day presence on the scene in Sacramento, WOW has grown over the years sponsored by our industry’s stakeholding companies desiring access to California’s State legislators.  Interested in sponsoring WOW? Watch this short video.

Welcome to Our World

All Services are Donated

Every spring, PBFC presents its annual Welcome to Our World (WOW) event at the State Capitol in Sacramento. The legislators and staffers experience beauty & barbering services, donated by our volunteers at no cost, while we inform these policy and regulatory VIPs about our industry.

Welcome to Our World

Welcome to Our World

Want to Volunteer?

It takes many volunteers to make ‘Welcome to Our World (W.O.W.) happen each year. They came from all over the state, many representing WOW Sponsor companies (See photos). When you sign up to get PBFC update posts, just check the box marked ‘I want to volunteer’. In the late winter we will look through our volunteer list to see who is interested in volunteering their beauty or barbering services.

Welcome to Our World

Welcome to Our World

Welcome to Our World

For many years, WOW took place in a beautiful, themed and decorated white tent in front of the south side of the Capitol building. However, in recent years we moved the event into the fully-equipped Capitol Events Center at 1020 11TH St. right across the street from the Capitol.

Welcome to Our World


Want to Sponsor?

This industry showcase doesn’t come cheap, with facilities, equipment and furnishings, event planning, audio-visual, set-up, clean-up, etc. We offer a variety of sponsorship levels, each with a corresponding level of PR benefits associated with this unique and popular event.

Go to our “Donate” page (www.beautyfederation.org/donate), or contact Fred Jones at 530-887-9944 or email at for more information on how your company could earn the privilege of sponsorship.

Watch “Sponsoring WOW” – A two-minute video 


2019 Welcome to Our World Photo Gallery

Drop by the photo gallery. You’ll get a real feeling of what our California legislators see and experience. And, you’ll see why WOW has become a ‘tradition’ like no other in the largest and most influential state in the Union.

Many Thanks to All Our W.O.W. Sponsors!