Author: Fred Jones

Coronavirus Orders/Recommendations

Posted March 16, 2020, under Events, Hot Topics

By Fred Jones, PBFC Legal Counsel As of today (March 16), government and private-sector responses to the growing coronavirus threat continue to ramp up. Governor Newsom issued a rare, Sunday Executive Order which seeks to minimize the spread of this virus in the Golden State by shutting down or limiting …

Photo of Fred Jones

Time to Revisit Your Booth Rental Contract

Posted March 9, 2020, under Hot Topics, Labor Law

This column isn’t meant to provide legal counsel to any particular booth rental salon, since the operations of every salon is unique to that establishment.  The law must apply specifically to the all of the relevant facts on the ground, not just the written contract.   Since we cannot answer …

California’s New Booth Rental Law

Posted January 9, 2020, under Hot Topics, Labor Law

Happy New Year!  Hard to believe it’s 2020. With a new year — and decade — comes new laws and new approaches to making a living in beauty. Since the vast majority of salon establishments utilize booth renters, we wanted to provide a detailed explanation of California’s groundbreaking new independent …

Defending Industry From Delicensure

Posted November 6, 2019, under Advocacy, Deregulation, Licensure, Schools/Students

There is a well-financed and coordinated campaign to directly undermine occupational licensing in all 50 states — funding think tanks, foundations, lobbyists and special interest groups.   Their work successfully reached President Obama, resulting in a 2015 Presidential report on the subject, and they have now inspired President Trump, who …

New Laws on Booth Rental and Schools

Posted October 7, 2019, under Advocacy, Deregulation, Hot Topics, Labor Law, Licensure, Schools/Students

Last month we discussed several major legal and regulatory changes that have or doubtlessly will touch the lives and business operations of every person earning a living in the world of beauty.  These major policy reforms underscore the importance of a state association that can maintain an active presence at …

Change Is Coming!

Posted September 5, 2019, under Advocacy, Deregulation, Hot Topics, Labor Law, Licensure

The only constant about the world of beauty is change.  As laws and regulations are reformed, as the market shifts, as consumer preferences and styles alter, you can rest assured that our industry will evolve accordingly.  Our livelihood, profit-margins and image depend on this adaptive nimbleness. Public policies and regulatory …

Legislative/Regulatory Reforms

Discouraging Incentive Pay

Posted June 6, 2019, under Advocacy, Hot Topics, Labor Law

Here in the Golden State, we subscribe to the “golden rule”, but not the one you’re familiar with about Do Onto Others. No, we believe He Who Has The Gold Rules!  And in Sacramento, that means the well-financed trial lawyers and labor unions are mostly in charge.  This political reality …

Defending Beauty Schools

Posted May 9, 2019, under Hot Topics

The most heavily regulated sector of the beauty industry is education. Beauty schools not only have to abide by all of the State Board regulations governing salons, they have to deal with additional rules governing their finances, marketing and student contracts.   As for-profit entities, private beauty colleges have been …

Welcome to Our World

Questioning Booth Rental 

Posted March 19, 2019, under Advocacy, Hot Topics, Labor Law, Schools/Students

Last year, this site dedicated three columns to the dramatic changes threatening Booth Rental in our industry, most notably in the Golden State via a recent State Supreme Court ruling called Dynamex.  Other states, including our nearby northern neighbor, Washington, are seeking the end of Booth Rental via legislation, modeling …

Welcome to Our World

2018 Was The Year of Dramatic Change

Posted January 8, 2019, under Advocacy, Deregulation, Events, Hot Topics, Labor Law, Licensure, Schools/Students

January, 2019 If the past is prologue, 2019 will likely be a very busy year in the policy and regulatory reform arena, with serious implications for everyone earning a living in our industry.  Here’s a recap of last year’s dramatic developments. Limits To Commissions I have spent countless hours on …